5 Best Stealth Games to Play In 2023

Stealth games are a unique genre that appeals to a specific group of players who relish the thrill of sneaking and eliminating enemies silently, one by one. However, over the years, this genre has become less prominent as many games incorporate stealth elements into their own gameplay.


Nevertheless, there are still some fantastic stealth-focused games available that cater to the desires of stealth enthusiasts. We have compiled a list of five exceptional stealth games that are sure to gratify your inner covert operative.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a renowned stealth game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Players control Venom Snake in an open-world environment set in the 1980s during the Soviet-Afghan War and the Angola-Zaire War. The game emphasizes stealth, requiring players to sneak, use camouflage, and perform silent takedowns to avoid detection.

Players can manage their base, recruit soldiers, and plan missions tactically. The day-night cycle influences enemy behavior and visibility, adding to the immersive stealth experience. In this game, players must master the art of stealth to move through enemy-infested areas undetected.

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They can utilize camouflage to blend into surroundings, perform silent takedowns to avoid raising alarms, and be mindful of enemy awareness levels. The game also includes base management, encouraging a tactical approach to missions and taking advantage of the day-night cycle for improved stealth opportunities.

Splinter Cell Blacklist

In this game, players control Sam Fisher, a skilled operative leading a team to stop a terrorist group. The game revolves around stealth mechanics, non-lethal takedowns, and the use of gadgets and tools. Players can choose their playstyle, upgrade skills, and enjoy cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes. The game offers an engaging and tactical stealth experience.

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Stealth is crucial in this game, as players must stay in the shadows, utilize cover, and avoid direct confrontations to move through enemy-infested areas undetected. The game offers a “Mark and Execute” mechanic for precision takedowns and allows players to choose between lethal and non-lethal approaches.

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Sam Fisher has access to various gadgets and tools that aid in gathering intel and distracting enemies. Players can customize their playstyle and upgrade Sam Fisher’s skills. The game includes cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes, adding to its overall experience.


Aragami is an arcade-ish stealth game where players control an undead assassin with shadow manipulation abilities. The game revolves around managing visibility and avoiding lighted areas to stay hidden. Players can perform silent takedowns, use gadgets, and choose between lethal and non-lethal approaches. The game features co-op multiplayer and intricate level design, providing a unique and empowering stealth experience inspired by feudal Japan.

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The core mechanic revolves around manipulating shadows, allowing the protagonist to teleport and use stealthy approaches. Players must manage visibility to stay hidden, while silent takedowns on enemy guards help avoid raising alarms.

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Aragami gains various Shadow Powers and abilities to aid in stealth, offering the option for non-lethal approaches. The game includes co-op multiplayer and intricately designed levels with multiple paths and hidden secrets, encouraging strategic gameplay.


Dishonored is a first-person stealth game known for its immersive stealth mechanics. Players must sneak, use silent movement, and find hidden paths to avoid enemies. Non-lethal takedowns and gadgets like sleep darts offer alternative ways to deal with foes. The game encourages player choice and multiple approaches to the game to make you feel you have control over your choices.

stealth games

Stealth is a fundamental aspect in Dishonored, requiring players to use cover and shadows to remain undetected. The game’s level design emphasizes verticality, providing alternate paths and hidden routes. Players can opt for non-lethal takedowns and use silent movement with supernatural abilities like Blink. Distractions and environmental interactions aid in manipulating enemy patrols.

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The Dark Vision ability enhances situational awareness during stealth, while gadgets offer strategic options for neutralizing threats without direct combat. The Chaos System tracks player actions, affecting the narrative and world state based on the level of violence. The game encourages diverse approaches, allowing players to be ghost-like or adopt a more aggressive playstyle.

Assassins Creed Revelations

Assassin’s Creed Revelations is an action-adventure game that lets you take control of an assassin named Ezio, featuring stealth mechanics such as blending into crowds, silent assassinations, using Eagle Vision to identify targets, and performing ledge and air assassinations. Players can navigate stealthily using rooftops and hiding spots, create diversions, and use the Dagger of Brutus for quiet takedowns.

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Players can utilize social stealth to blend into crowds and remain inconspicuous. Stealthy assassinations with hidden blades and Eagle Vision aid in identifying targets and planning approaches. Ledge and air assassinations offer silent eliminations from elevated positions.

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Ezio can navigate stealthily using rooftops and blending with the environment. Hiding spots and distractions help evade pursuers. Players can unlock upgrades to enhance Ezio’s stealth abilities. Optional challenges promote a stealthy approach, rewarding full synchronization with bonuses.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our selection of the 5 Best Stealth Games to Play in 2023. I hope we have given you a list that will help you decide on what stealth games to play in 2023 and satisfied your craving for some stealth action. Don’t forget to check out our other content for your Pop Culture needs!

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