Adventure time: What Happened to Jake’s Children as Adults

Come along with us in the world of Adventure Time, where imagination knows no bounds and characters brim with eccentricity. In a surprising twist during Season 4 Episode 19, “Lady & Peebles,” Lady Rainicorn dropped a bombshell: she’s expecting Jake’s puppies! This revelation not only caught fans off guard but also filled them with excitement.

This article takes you on a journey to discover the lives and growth of Jake and Lady Rainicorn’s five offspring: Charlie, Jake Jr., T.V., Viola, and Kim Kil Whan.

Charlie: The Mystical Explorer

Charlie, the eldest pup, embarked on a unique path as she matured. Sporting an unmistakable resemblance to her father, with a unicorn horn and blonde hair.

Charlie inherits the shape-shifting prowess of her father and the flight, phasing through objects, and teleportation abilities of her mother. Her talents extend to mystic arts, where she skillfully reads Tarot cards to unravel destinies and uncover essential truths.

Adult Life: Residing within an ancient pyramid in Egypt, she’s not just another copy of Jake. Her extraordinary ability to manipulate size surpasses Jake’s abilities that she can stretch through oceans. It’s hinted that Charlie’s journey continues. Down the line, she’s poised to welcome a hybrid son named Gibbon into her life.

Jake Jr. : The Deceptive Dynamo

The second pup, Jake Jr., has chosen a mischievous path. With a penchant for pranks and a flair for intrigue, she infuses the family with a playful spirit. Jake Jr. possesses no visible eyes, and her body resembles her mother’s rainbow-colored skin.

Similar to her siblings, Jake Jr. wields the ability to teleport, and uniquely have the ability of stretchy powers using her hair. Additionally, she can fly when fused with her siblings, similar to Voltes V as “Super Pup”. Only she and T.V. are not seen to be able to fly on their own.

Adult Life: Jake Jr. appears to be Jake’s favorite among the pups, as they are frequently observed interacting the most. From her deceptive con schemes to her carefree personality, she takes after her dad in many aspects.

Super Pup: A fused version of all the puppies combined

T.V. : Navigating Independence

T.V., the middle child, sports a round dog-like appearance reminiscent of his dad, although he possesses a pointed nose that takes after his mother rather than his father’s jowls. While T.V. shared his playful and carefree nature with his siblings during their puppy days, he grows up to be very different from those earlier years.

His abilities include teleportation, color-changing like his mother, and the capacity to make his horn glow. However, he cannot fly on his own, always requiring Charlie to carry him.

Adult Life: T.V. conforms to the stereotype of an overweight, unshaven gamer who continues to reside with his mother. He stands out in stark contrast to his siblings, who have all moved out.

This situation persists until a subsequent episode titled “Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension,” where he relocates to the crystal dimension to live with his grandparents. Later on, he establishes a detective agency in Ooo, indicating his return to the land of Ooo and him finally achieving independence.

Fun Fact: Jake Jr. and T.V.’s voice actors also voice the characters Louise and Tina Belcher from Bob’s Burgers!

Read more about Tina Belcher (the same voice of T.V.) here! Best of Tina Belcher’s Sassy Moments

Viola: The Aspiring Actress

Viola, the fourth pup, harbored aspirations of becoming an actress, a dream that became apparent in episodes like “Summer Showers” and a deleted scene from “Ocarina.” Viola bears a strong resemblance to her mother, Lady Rainicorn, with a shorter body, while her coloration takes after her father. She possesses the ability to teleport herself or others and can also change colors using her horn, similar to her mother’s abilities.

Adult Life: Despite Jake’s infrequent visits to the grown-up puppies, Viola maintains a deep fondness for her father, even with his carefree and somewhat neglectful demeanor. She holds a strong affection for Jake and speaks of him in high regard.

Jake, also openly expresses his pride in Viola and her aspirations, providing unwavering encouragement, however unintentionally adding pressure on Viola to meet his expectations for her.

The episode “Summer Showers” portrays her struggles in the theater industry, but ultimately, her efforts came with great results and support. Finn and Jake attended her performance to show their support and love.

Kim Kil Whan: The Responsible Entrepreneur

The youngest pup, Kim Kil Whan, charted a vastly different course from his adventurous father. Kim Kil Whan sports a distinctively long physique similar to Lady Rainicorn’s, distinguishing him as the largest (or longest) among the pups.

His facial features closely mirror his father Jake’s, complete with his dog-like jowls and a stern expression. He has the ability to fly, teleport himself and others, change color of objects just like his mother.

Adult Life: He established K.K.W. Enterprises, a successful real estate business, and lived a luxurious life in a grand residence. His seriousness stood in stark contrast to Jake’s carefree nature. Married to a bear named Pat and a father to Bronwyn, Kim Kil Whan displayed a commitment to responsibility and discipline.

Even though he loves his dad, Kim Kil Whan isn’t a fan of Jake’s childish behavior. In “Ocarina,” he really tries to make Jake act more like a grown-up by getting him to move out of the treehouse and find a job. But by the end of the episode, Kim Kil Whan realizes he loves his dad just the way he is.

Adventure Time captivated audiences with its enchanting world and whimsical characters, and the introduction of Jake’s pups added a new layer of depth to the series. Each pup’s unique journey showcased their individual growth and aspirations, contributing to the show’s rich tapestry. From Charlie’s mysticism to Jake Jr.’s mischievous spirit, T.V.’s quest for independence, Viola’s acting ambitions, and Kim Kil Whan’s responsible family man and entrepreneurship, the pups carved their own paths, enriching the show’s narrative. As fans reminisce about the legacy of Adventure Time, they can take comfort in knowing that the adventures continue in the lives of Jake’s remarkable offspring.

Learn and play Adventure Time Songs here: Best Adventure Time Songs to Play on Ukulele!

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