Best of Tina Belcher’s Sassy Moments

Move over, there’s a new queen in town and her name is Tina Belcher! The eldest of the Belcher children, Tina is known for her deadpan humor, awkward charm, and occasional bursts of sassiness. Despite her usual role as the responsible one in the family, Tina’s outbursts of sassiness, result in some memorable one-liners. So sit back, grab some burgers (preferably from Bob’s Burgers), and get ready for a laugh-out-loud ride as we take a look at some of Tina’s most hilarious and sassy moments.

1. Don’t have a Crap Attack!

Season 2 Episode 8: Bad Tina

Tina: I got detention

Belcher Family: *gasps* DETENTION?!

Linda: I can’t believe this!

Tina: Detention is no big deal, Mom. Don’t have a crap attack

Linda: What did you just say??

Tina: A crap attack? Don’t have one?

[dramatic music plays]

2. Tina’s Rebel Alter Ego

Season 2 Episode 5: Food Truckin’

Tina mistakenly gets called “Dina” while serving for their new food truck business and decides Dina is her cool alter ego.

Tina: A new name calls for a new look. [slightly higher tone] And a new voice. Tina talks like this. Dina talks like this.

3. I wear glasses, not hearing aids

Season 2 Episode 8: Bad Tina

Bad Tina strikes again at Linda!

Linda: We need to go over some ground rules, Miss Mouthy! No boys, no parties, no summoning spirits or switching bodies, and no filling the house with soap bubbles. You hear me, Tina?

Tina: Yes. I wear glasses, not hearing aids, Mom.

Louise: OH!

Linda: Well, I don’t wear hearing aids either so I didn’t hear that.

4. Espresso over Jimmy Jr.

Season 3 Episode 23: The Unnatural

Tina has been having withdrawal symptoms since getting cut off from drinking espresso.

Jimmy Jr: Hi Tina

Tina: What. What. What!

Jimmy Jr: I just– I was saying hi. Because I just walked in, so… What do you mean, what?

Tina: Oh, my god. I never noticed how annoying you are. I can’t even understand you!

Jimmy Jr: Oh, I have a speech impediment, Tina.

Tina: Well fix it!

5. Vampire Disco Sass!

Season 11 Episode 22: Vampire Disco Death Dance

Jimmy Jr: It was actually kind of beautiful!

Tina: Really? So you guys didn’t hate it?

Tammy: Yeah, it wasn’t totally dumb. Just, like, mostly stupid

Tina: Just like you, Tammy.

6. Kissing Guru Tina

Season 6 Episode 2: The Land Ship

Jordan: You’re so wild, Tina

Tina: Yeah. I am, right?

Jordan: So are you in? or are you in?

Tina: I’m in

Jordan: Should we kiss more?

Tina: Yes, but let’s work on a couple things. You don’t have to cover my nose and my mouth with your mouth.

Jordan: [gobbles Tina’s face]

Tina: You’re still doing it.

7. Shut your face Teddy!

Season 3 Episode 23: The Unnatural

Espresso-deprived Tina lashes out at poor Teddy

Teddy: How you doing, Tina? You seem a little logy.

Tina: Well, you seem a little shut your face!

Bob: Tina! [at Teddy] It’s her first day since I cut her off espresso, so..

8. Tina vs Tammy Time Capsule

Season 11 Episode 5: Fast Time Capsules at Wagstaff School

Tina hosts a Time capsule project and only accepts what she deems is worthy of the time capsule.

Tammy: Okay Tina. I’ve pressed my face on some loose-leaf paper so future people can see how I did my makeup. It’s great, it’s in, you’re welcome.

Tina: The only problem is that Wagstaff is a grade school, not a CLOWN college.

9. Sound of Love

Season 4 Episode 14: Uncle Teddy

Tina falls for a bad Melodica player

Tina: I made it. Now it’s a party. And I brought burgers

Jonas: Nice!

Tina: Hey that melodica’s not gonna play itself.

[Jonas plays the melodica]

Tina: Wow, it’s almost like music.

10. Porcelain Baby Killer!

Season 3 Episode 23: The Unnatural

Linda: I sold my porcelain babies…

Tina: Wait, I saw those when I was tearing the place apart. So you didn’t sell them!

Linda: Those are my backup babies

Tina: You can do this the easy way or the hard way.

[breaks one porcelain baby]

Linda: Tina!

Tina: Do you think I’m playing here??

There you have it, a few of our favorite angry/sassy moments from the one and only Tina Belcher. From her iconic “uhhhhh” to her witty one-liners, Tina never fails to bring the laughs. But we want to hear from you! Which of Tina’s outbursts caught you off guard? Tina may be a fictional character, but she’ll always be an icon in our hearts.

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