Jujutsu Kaisen Terminologies: Six Eyes, Heavenly Restriction EXPLAINED!

Entering the captivating world of Jujutsu Kaisen can be both exhilarating and bewildering. This popular anime and manga series introduces us to a realm filled with supernatural phenomena, where sorcerers battle cursed spirits using a unique set of abilities and tools. However, the terminology in this universe can be pretty complex. Fear not, though, as we’re here to simplify these concepts for a clearer understanding. Join us as we unravel the meanings of “Cursed Energy,” “Six Eyes,” “Heavenly Restriction,” and more, so you can fully appreciate the anime.

Let’s break them down into simpler terms for a clearer understanding.

Read Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Before and After. Who are the characters in Season 2? for more!

Cursed Energy, Cursed Technique, Cursed Tools

Cursed Energy

Cursed energy is the primary power source for any sorcerer or cursed spirit. It is primarily used to fuel cursed techniques, reinforce the body, and more.

Cursed Technique

These are abilities powered by cursed energy, activated by pouring that energy into them. They come in various forms, like innate techniques, barriers, shikigami, and more. They’re like the appliances using the cursed energy’s power.

Lapse: This is the basic way to activate a cursed technique. It involves circulating cursed energy forward into the technique.
Reversal: Reversal generates positive energy by multiplying negative energy with more negative energy. However, it requires highly sophisticated manipulation of cursed energy to achieve, so the ability to do so is rare.
Subtraction: Simplified, it means that skilled sorcerers can make their abilities more efficient by minimizing gestures or incantations. Adding rituals can make a technique more potent.

Cursed Tools

Weapons and support items with curses intentionally infused in them. Unlike cursed objects, they can be used by non-sorcerers to battle cursed spirits.

Curse Users and Cursed Spirits

Curse Users

These are sorcerers who use jujutsu for evil purposes, like killing. They’re essentially bad sorcerers.

Cursed Spirits (Curses)

These are invisible spiritual beings born from the negative emotions of humans. They harm humanity and are the main foes of jujutsu sorcerers.

Common Cursed Techniques


A barrier technique that hides an area. It’s used to keep cursed spirit exorcisms a secret.

Binding Vow

Agreements made with jujutsu that offer power or goals, but breaking them has grave consequences.

Special Abilities

Domain Expansion

An advanced barrier technique that enhances cursed techniques inside a user’s domain. It’s the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery.

Heavenly Restriction

It’s a trade-off, where limitations on cursed energy can lead to extreme physical improvements or vice versa.


Monstrous creatures like cursed spirits summoned to aid sorcerers in battle.

Reversed Cursed Technique

It converts negative energy into positive energy, often used for healing and regeneration. Shoko possesses this rare ability “reverse cursed technique“, which she can use to regenerate lost limbs and heal wounds.

Black Flash

 Black Flash is a phenomenon in jujutsu that greatly amplifies the user’s physical strike. When you add cursed energy to a hit in just a tiny fraction of a second, it becomes super powerful. However, Black Flash no jujutsu sorcerer is capable of using it at will, not even Satoru Gojo.

Gojo’s Abilities (Six Eyes and Limitless)

Six Eyes

A rare trait in the Gojo clan, granting extrasensory perception, precise cursed energy control, and the ability to read cursed techniques.


An inherited technique in the Gojo clan that distorts space, allowing manipulation. Only those with Six Eyes can truly master it.

Neutral Limitless: Infinity effectively prevents anyone from reaching Gojo by breaking down the distance into infinitesimal fractions, this slows down objects approaching Gojo, and ensuring that no one makes physical contact unless he allows it.
Strengthening Limitless Blue: A version of Limitless that amplifies energy and attracts objects or people.
Reversal Limitless Red: A version of Limitless that repels objects or people with explosive force.
Colliding Limitless Purple: A secret ability merging Red and Blue, erasing everything it touches.

So, there you have it! These terms may seem complex, but when broken down, you can better appreciate the intricate world of Jujutsu Kaisen. We hope you now have a better grasp of the intriguing concepts that shape this extraordinary world. From the volatile power of “Cursed Energy” to the specialized abilities like “Domain Expansion” and the unique traits of characters like Gojo, the intricate web of jujutsu sorcery becomes a little less perplexing. So, whether you’re a seasoned fan or a newcomer, this breakdown should make your journey through this captivating universe all the more enjoyable.

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