Why is My Little Pony popular among adult men? Psychology of Masculinity and Friendship

Bronies, a term used to describe male fans of My Little Pony, have been stigmatized by society for their unusual interest in a show primarily marketed towards young girls. The internet often depicts bronies as unemployed, overweight, and living in their parent’s basements. However, contrary to these stereotypes, the fandom is actually composed of mostly adult men who have found genuine enjoyment and value in the show.

Why is My Little Pony so popular with men?

So, what is it about My Little Pony that draws adult male viewers? The answer is simple – the show is genuinely good. It goes beyond the superficial perception of “ponies galloping around and making friends,” delving into themes of camaraderie, generosity, harmony, and sacrifice – all centered around the importance of friendship.

While this may seem corny at first, the show’s universe can be considered a fully-fledged fantasy world, complete with its own history, culture, lands, magical powers, and creatures. The story also explores deeper issues such as racism, as there has always been a history of division among the three classes of ponies: the pegasus, the unicorns, and the earth ponies. These themes give the story depth and complexity, which can appeal to a wide range of viewers, regardless of age or gender.

Yet with the increasing popularity of the show, mainstream media has continued to view bronies as strange and unusual people, making assumptions about their sexuality, educational background, and overall obsession with the show. However, a study by Samuel Miller titled “Friendship Is Manly: The Brony Fandom And The Challenge Of Masculinity” (2016) shows that the majority of bronies are heterosexual men who genuinely enjoy the show without feeling the need to conform to any particular label or stereotype. The study also revealed that the majority of bronies have graduated high school and are currently in college, with some even holding advanced degrees like PhDs or masters.

Despite their positive attributes, bronies still face significant harassment and criticism for their love of the show. According to Miller’s study, more than half of all bronies have experienced some level of harassment, both online and in real life. This is a clear indication of the negative stigma still associated with the fandom, despite its growing popularity and acceptance.

In recent years, there has been an alarming trend of loneliness and isolation among men, leading to an increased risk of suicide. According to USA Today, men are lonelier than ever before, and society often reinforces a narrative that values stoicism and emotional distance over vulnerability and tenderness.

We live in this society that tells young men that there are things we validate more than tenderness and vulnerability. We teach young men to stop caring for authentic connections and be more distant with emotions. It’s an incredibly brutal thing,” said Lukas Dhont, the director of the Oscar-nominated film “Close”, which explores male friendship stigmas and how society views male vulnerability.

This is where My Little Pony offers a unique perspective – the show promotes the importance of friendship and emotional connection, regardless of gender. In fact, one study by Steven Dashiell titled “Masculine Compensation via Language in Judgment-Free Zones: The Case of Bronies” found that “Bronies are men, and the patriarchal dividend that results from being men means they can appear to be open and tolerant but still act in ways that show their manliness as dominant.” This suggests that the show’s themes of friendship and cooperation can actually help promote different kinds of masculinity, breaking down harmful stereotypes and promoting empathy and kindness.

Bronies are simply fans of a well-crafted show that promotes values of friendship, cooperation, and emotional connection. Despite the negative stereotypes and harassment they often face, they continue to find value and enjoyment in the show’s themes and messages. My Little Pony may be marketed towards young girls, but it has something to offer to viewers of all ages and genders – a message of hope and positivity in a world that can often feel dark and uncertain.

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