Will John Wick have a next movie? John Wick 4 major Box Office success

John Wick 4 is currently in theaters and the fans are raving about the latest installment in the franchise. The loving husband and feared Baba Yaga character John Wick is back and better than ever, delivering non-stop action and excitement that will leave you rolling on the edge of your seat (or stairs haha).

John Wick 4, a global box office sensation, raked in an impressive $245 million in just 10 days, according to Collider. And it’s no surprise that fans and critics alike are loving the film. With its signature killer action, deeper exploration of their criminal organization, and stunning visual shots, John Wick 4 delivers everything fans have come to expect from the franchise – and more.

One of the standout moments in the film is a fantastic cinematography sequence where the camera takes a birds-eye view of John Wick in action, resembling a top-down shooter videogame – and it’s all done in one seamless take.

Will there be a John Wick 5?

Despite the conclusion of John Wick’s story in the film, the success of John Wick 4 at the box office means that a fifth movie is not out of the question. Fans are already speculating about where the franchise could go next, whether it’s a continuation of John Wick’s story or an exploration of other impressive characters.

If you haven’t seen John Wick 4 yet, get ready for intense action, killer one-liners, and a post-credit scene that will leave you wanting more. So head to the theaters now and experience the thrill of John Wick’s latest adventure for yourself.

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